Runnings is a general merchandise retailer that caters primarily to customers in rural communities and small towns. Runnings offers a diverse range of products, including sporting goods (with a focus on hunting and fishing), clothing and footwear, farm supplies, tools, pet supplies, lawn and garden equipment, and even home goods. Runnings is essentially a department store with a strong emphasis on outdoor and rural lifestyle needs. The Runnings business model serves those living in rural areas and smaller towns – by offering a unique mix of products tailored to their needs and interests. This includes a strong emphasis on outdoor sporting goods, farming supplies, and workwear - emphasizing value and affordability, providing competitive prices and a wide selection of both national brands and their own private label products. You can download the complete list of key information about Runnings locations, contact details, services offered, and geographical coordinates, beneficial for various applications like store locators, business analysis, and targeted marketing. The Runnings data you can download includes:
Identification & Location:
- Store_ name, store_number, address, address_line_2, city, state, zip_code, latitude, longitude, geo_accuracy, country_code, county,
Contact Information:
- Phone_number, fax_number
Operational Details & Services:
- Store_hours,